2018年02月15日来源: 新华社
Countries must strengthen taxsystems to meet Sustainable Development Goals
14/02/2018 - Major internationalorganisations - including the IMF, OECD, UN and World Bank Group - today calledon governments from around the world to strengthen and increase theeffectiveness of their tax systems to generate the domestic resources needed tomeet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and promote inclusive economicgrowth.
Domestic resource mobilisationpresents a particular challenge for developing countries, which struggle toraise sufficient revenue to provide basic services, such as roadinfrastructure, healthcare, and public safety. Research indicates that at least15 percent of GDP in revenue is necessary to finance these basic services but,in almost 30 of the 75 poorest countries, tax revenues are below this 15percent threshold.
At the same time, all countries needto pay greater attention to the spillovers from their tax policies and step uptheir support for stronger tax systems. Governments and relevant stakeholdersalso need to continue to work together on establishing a fair and efficientsystem of international taxation, including efforts to fight tax evasion andtax avoidance.
During a three-day conference at UNheadquarters on "Taxation and the SDGs", ministers and deputyministers of finance, tax authorities, and senior representatives from civilsociety, private sector, academia, regional and global organisations willdebate the key directions needed for tax policy and administration to meet theSDGs by 2030.
The conference, organised by the Platform for Collaboration on Tax (PCT)at UN headquarters, provides a unique opportunity to discuss the role of tax inending poverty, protecting the planet and ensuring prosperity for all,including: how to mobilise domestic resources for development; tax policies tosupport sustainable economic growth, investment and trade; the socialdimensions of taxation (income and gender inequality, human development); aswell as capacity development and international tax co-operation.
As an era of unprecedentedinternational co-operation on tax is underway with the advent of initiativeslike the Automatic Exchange of Information, the Base Erosion and ProfitShifting (BEPS) project, and the active engagement of the UN Tax Committee—allthese initiatives create new opportunities for the enhanced participation ofdeveloping countries in international tax policy discussions and institutions,but also new challenges to fully realising the benefits of internationalco-operation on tax.
The conference aims to provideguidance to countries and other stakeholders on how to better target taxefforts to achieve broader development goals. Insights from the conference willhelp inform and shape the future work of the PCT members and partners,including the IMF, OECD, UN and World Bank.
At the end of the event, PCT partnerswill issue a conference statement, which will inform a future agenda on taxpolicy and administration.
The conference will begin at 10:00AM(EST) on Wednesday 14 February 2018.
See the full programme:http://www.worldbank.org/en/events/2017/06/06/first-global-conference-of-the-platform-for-collaboration-on-tax
Plenary sessions will be broadcastlive: http://webtv.un.org
NOTE TO THE EDITORS: Below are quotesfrom each organisation's head.
"I call upon the internationalcommunity to establish effective mechanisms to combat tax evasion, moneylaundering and illicit financial flows, so that developing countries couldbetter mobilise their own resources."
António Guterres – Secretary-Generalof the United Nations
"Fair and efficient tax systems,combined with good service delivery and public accountability, build citizens'trust in government and help societies prosper."
Jim Kim – President of the World BankGroup
"Funding the SDGs is an economicand ethical imperative with major implications for taxation. Countriesthemselves need to raise more revenue in an equitable way. And the entireinternational community needs to eradicate tax evasion and tax avoidance."
Christine Lagarde – Managing Directorof the International Monetary Fund
"Effective taxation is essentialto promote a more inclusive and sustainable growth. It is fundamental to makingglobalisation work for all. It is crucial for achieving the SustainableDevelopment Goals."
Ángel Gurría – Secretary-General ofthe OECD