






张学斌 董事长(转让定价税务服务)




谢维潮 高级合伙人(转让定价税务服务)




王理 合伙人高级经理(审计及高新、软件企业认定服务)




刘琴 合伙人高级经理(企业税务鉴证服务)










张学斌 董事长(转让定价税务服务)




谢维潮 高级合伙人(转让定价税务服务)




王理 合伙人高级经理(审计及高新、软件企业认定服务)




刘琴 合伙人高级经理(企业税务鉴证服务)




国别报告实施指南:BEPS 第13项行动计划

来源:中国国际税法智库    更新时间:2018-07-27 10:00:51    浏览:2829



All OECD and G20 countries have committed to implementing country by country (CbC) reporting, as set out in the Action 13 Report “Transfer Pricing Documentation and Country-by-Country Reporting”. Recognising the significant benefits that CbC reporting can offer a tax administration in undertaking high level risk assessment of transfer pricing and other tax risks, a number of other countries have also committed to implementing CbC reporting, including developing countries.

所有 OECD 及 G20成员国一致承诺将落实在第13项行动计划报告《转让定价文档和国别报告》中规定的国别报告机制。鉴于国别报告在税务机关对转让定价及其他税收风险进行风险评估中发挥的重要作用,包括发展中国家在内的其他国家也纷纷承诺实施国别报告机制。

Countries have agreed that implementing CbC reporting is a key priority in addressing BEPS risks, and the Action 13 Report recommended that reporting take place with respect to fiscal periods commencing from 1 January 2016. Swift progress is being made in order to meet this timeline, including the introduction of domestic legal frameworks and the entry into competent authority agreements for the international exchange of CbC reports. MNE Groups are likewise making preparations for CbC reporting, and dialogue between governments and business is a critical aspect of ensuring that CbC reporting is implemented consistently across the globe. Consistent implementation will not only ensure a level playing field, but also provide certainty for taxpayers and improve the ability of tax administrations to use CbC reports in their risk assessment work.


The OECD will continue to support the consistent and swift implementation of CbC reporting. Where questions of interpretation have arisen and would be best addressed through common public guidance, the OECD will endeavour to make this available.

OECD将一如既往地为国别报告的持续和迅速实施提供支持,以此确保公平的竞争环境。对于国别报告制度实施中产生的其他问题,OECD 将努力通过发布共同指南的方式予以解决。

The guidance below is intended to assist in this regard. This guidance covers the following issues:

· Transitional filing options for MNEs (“parent surrogate filing”).

· The application of CbC reporting to investment funds.

· The application of CbC reporting to partnerships.

· The impact of currency fluctuations on the agreed EUR 750 million filing threshold.






 In addition, the OECD will provide information on country specific aspects of CbC implementation, including the effective dates of CbC legal frameworks, local filing and surrogate filing mechanisms, and identifying the agreements for exchange of CbC reports that are in effect. Given that CbC Reporting is one of the BEPS minimum standards, a peer review of the implementation of CbC reporting will be conducted to ensure that the implementation of jurisdictions’ domestic legal frameworks is timely and in accordance with the Action 13 Report.

另外,OECD 将提供具体国家国别报告制度落实情况的信息,包括国别法律报告法律框架的生效日期、本地报送及替代报送机制,并认定国别报告交换协定的生效。鉴于国别报告制度属于BEPS项目的最低标准,将对国别报告制度落实情况进行同行评审,以确保一国或地区当地的法律已经被实施并已经遵循第13项行动计划的要求。

 1. Can MNE Groups with an Ultimate Parent Entity resident in a jurisdiction whose CbC reporting legal framework is in effect for Reporting Periods later than 1 January 2016 voluntarily file the CbC report for fiscal periods commencing on or from 1 January 2016 in that jurisdiction? What is the impact of such filing on local filing obligations in other jurisdictions?


 All OECD and G20 countries, as well as others, have committed to implementing the minimum standard of Country by Country (CbC) reporting agreed in the Action 13 Report. The Action 13 Report recommended that countries implement a legal requirement for CbC reporting with respect to MNEs’ fiscal periods commencing on or from 1 January 2016. At the same time, the Action 13 Report recognises that “some jurisdictions may need time to follow their particular domestic legislative process in order to make necessary adjustments to the law.” Where jurisdictions are implementing CbC Reporting but will not be able to implement with respect to the fiscal period commencing from 1 January 2016, this therefore gives rise to a transition issue. Where other jurisdictions introduce a local filing obligation (which is an option but not a requirement under the Action 13 minimum standard) and do not otherwise provide any transition relief to address this issue - which some countries have done recognising the differences in legislative processes as noted in the Report - there is a need to issue guidance as to the local filing obligations that may arise during such a period.


 In such situations, jurisdictions that will not be able to implement with respect to fiscal periods from 1 January 2016 may be able to accommodate voluntary filing for Ultimate Parent Entities resident in their jurisdiction. This would allow the Ultimate Parent Entities of an MNE Group resident in those jurisdictions to voluntarily file their CbC report for the fiscal periods commencing on or from 1 January 2016 in their jurisdiction of tax residence. This is referred to as “parent surrogate filing” because it is a form of surrogate filing, the framework for which is set out in the Action 13 Report. As such, parent surrogate filing does not alter the timelines or the minimum standard, and thus ensures the integrity of the agreement reached in the Action 13 Report.


Where surrogate filing (including parent surrogate filing) is available, it will mean that there are no local filing obligations for the particular MNE in any jurisdiction which otherwise would require local filing in which the MNE has a Constituent Entity (herein referred to as the Local Jurisdiction). This is subject to the following conditions:


1. the Ultimate Parent Entity has made available a CbC report conforming to the requirements of the Action 13 Report to the tax authority of its jurisdiction of tax residence, by the filing deadline (i.e. 12 months after the last day of the Reporting Fiscal Year of the MNE Group); and

1. 跨国公司最终控股企业已根据第13项行动计划报告的要求,在报送截止日前(如跨国企业集团所报告的财务年度最后一天起的12个月后)向其居民国的税务机关报送了国别报告;且

2. by the first filing deadline of the CbC report, the jurisdiction of tax residence of the Ultimate Parent Entity must have its laws in place to require CbC reporting (even if filing of a CbC report for the Reporting Fiscal Year in question is not required under those laws); and


3. by the first filing deadline of the CbC report, a Qualifying Competent Authority Agreement must be in effect between the jurisdiction of tax residence of the Ultimate Parent Entity and the Local Jurisdiction[1]; and


4. the jurisdiction of tax residence of the Ultimate Parent Entity has not notified the Local Jurisdiction’s tax administration of aSystemic Failure; and


5. the following notifications have been provided[2]:


·the jurisdiction of tax residence of the Ultimate Parent Entity has been notified by the Ultimate Parent Entity, no later than [the last day of the Reporting Fiscal Year of such MNE Group]; and

·最终控股企业已经告知其税收居民国,且告知时间不应晚于 [跨国企业集团报告所属财务年度结束之日];

· the Local Jurisdiction’s tax administration has been notified by a Constituent Entity of the MNE Group that is resident for tax purposes in the Local Jurisdiction that it is not the Ultimate Parent Entity nor the Surrogate Parent Entity, stating the identity and tax residence of the Reporting Entity, no later than [the last day of the Reporting Fiscal Year of such MNE Group].

·跨国企业集团的成员实体如果在当地构成居民企业,但既不是最终控股企业也不是母公司的代理人,应当告知其居民国税务机关,其所报送的成员实体的身份及其所属的税收居民,且告知时间不应晚于 [跨国企业集团报告所属财务年度结束之日]。

The following jurisdictions have confirmed they will have parent surrogate filing available consistent with the framework outlined above for Ultimate Parent Entities that are resident in their jurisdiction, with respect to fiscal periods commencing on or from 1 January 2016[3]:


· Switzerland[4]

·United States





2. How should the CbC reporting rules be applied to investment funds?

2. 投资基金如何适用国别报告准则?

As stated in paragraph 55 of the Action 13 Report, there is no general exemption for investment funds. Therefore, the governing principle to determine an MNE Group is to follow the accounting consolidation rules. For example, if the accounting rules instruct investment entities to not consolidate with investee companies (e.g. because the consolidated accounts for the investment entity should instead report fair value of the investment through profit and loss), then the investee companies should not form part of a Group or MNE Group (as defined in the model legislation) or be considered as Constituent Entities of an MNE Group. This principle applies even where the investment entity has a controlling interest in the investee company.


On the other hand, if the accounting rules require an investment entity to consolidate with a subsidiary, such as where that subsidiary provides services that relate to the investment entity’s investment activities, then the subsidiary should be part of a Group and should be considered as a Constituent Entity of the MNE Group (if one exists).


It is still possible for a company, which is owned by an investment fund, to control other entities such that, in combination with these other entities, it forms an MNE Group. In this case, and if the MNE Group exceeds the revenue threshold, it would need to comply with the requirement to file a CbC report.


3. How should a partnership which is tax transparent and thus has no tax residency anywhere be included in the CbC report? How should a reverse hybrid partnership, which is tax transparent in its jurisdiction of organisation but consideredby a partner’s jurisdiction to be tax resident in its jurisdiction of organisation, be treated?


The governing principle to determine an MNE Group is to follow the accounting consolidation rules. If the accounting consolidation rules apply to a partnership, then that partnership may be a Constituent Entity of an MNE group subject to CbC reporting.


For the purpose of completing the CbC report, if a partnership is not tax resident in any jurisdiction then the partnership’s items, to the extent not attributable to a permanent establishment, should be included in the line in table 1 of the CbC report for stateless entities. Any partners that are also Constituent Entities within the MNE Group should include their share of the partnership’s items in table 1 in their jurisdiction of tax residence.


Table 2 of the CbC report should include a row for stateless entities, and a sub-row for each stateless entity including partnerships that do not have a tax residence - that is, the reporting for stateless entities should parallel the reporting for Constituent Entities that have a tax residence. For a partnership included in the stateless entity category, the field in table 2 for "tax jurisdiction of organisation or incorporation if different from tax jurisdiction of residence" should indicate the jurisdiction under whose laws the partnership is formed / organised.


It may be advisable for the MNE to provide an explanation in the notes section of the report on the partnership structure and on the stateless entities. For instance, a note in the Additional Information section may indicate that a partnership’s “stateless income” is includable and taxable in the partner jurisdiction.


Where a partnership is the Ultimate Parent Entity, for the purpose of determining where it is required to file the CbC report in its capacity as the Ultimate Parent Entity, the jurisdiction under whose laws the partnership is formed / organised will govern if there is no jurisdiction of tax residence.


A permanent establishment of a partnership would be included in the CbC report in the same manner as any other permanent establishment.


4. If Country A is using a domestic currency equivalent of EUR 750 million for its filing threshold, Country B is using EUR 750 million for its filing threshold, and as a result of currency fluctuations Country A's threshold is in excess of EUR 750 million, can Country B impose its local filing requirement on a Constituent Entity of an MNE Group headquartered in Country A which is not filing a CbC report in Country A because its revenues, while in excess of EUR 750 million, are below the threshold in Country A?

4. 如果 A 国以与7.5亿欧元等值的本国货币作为申报门槛,而 B 国以 7.5亿欧元作为其申报门槛,由于汇率波动导致 A 国的申报门槛金额超过了7.5亿欧元,B 国是否可以以该跨国企业集团整体收入超过了7.5亿欧元为由,以向总部位于 A 国的跨国企业集团的成员实体要求进行本地报送,即使在此情况下由于未达到A国的申报门槛而没有在 A 国报送国别报告?

As set out in the Action 13 Report, the agreed threshold is EUR 750 million or a near equivalent amount in domestic currency as of January 2015. Provided that the jurisdiction of the Ultimate Parent Entity has implemented a reporting threshold that is a near equivalent of EUR 750 million in domestic currency as it was at January 2015, an MNE Group that complies with this local threshold should not be exposed to local filing in any other jurisdiction that is using a threshold denominated in a different currency.


There is no requirement for a jurisdiction using a threshold denominated other than in euros to periodically revise this in order to reflect currency fluctuations. The appropriateness of the EUR 750 million threshold (and near equivalent amounts in domestic currency as of January 2015) may be included in the review of the CbC reporting minimum standard to occur in 2020.


 [1] A necessary condition for having a Qualifying Competent Authority Agreement in effect is that there is also an International Agreement in effect between the jurisdiction of tax residence of the Ultimate Parent Entity and the Local Jurisdiction.


[2] If the tax administration in the jurisdiction where the Ultimate Parent Entity or Constituent Entity (as applicable) is resident for tax purposes chooses not to require notifications or has not specified a procedure for providing such notifications, then this condition will not be relevant. Furthermore, where such notification is required, the square brackets included in this section reflect that it is at the discretion of the jurisdiction to choose the notification date most appropriate in its domestic circumstances, for example the date that would coincide with the date for filing of a CbC Report.


[3] This list of jurisdictions is dynamic and will be updated.


[4] Contemplated in draft legislation currently under consultation - subject to approval by legislature.


(翻译:吴明 校对:赵文祥 李敦峰)





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